Solar Panels Solar Panels and Roofing Do Solar Panels Ruin Your Roof?

Do Solar Panels Ruin Your Roof?

While issues such as extra weight, holes punched into the roof rafters, and water damage are valid concerns, serious problems are unlikely to occur if you install solar panels correctly. A few systems bolt to the roof rafters, but with these, you do not have to worry about holes that cause water to spill out to your attic, as long as the installer is a professional solar installer. With the weight and cost of solar panels, you will want to be sure they are installed the first time correctly, and the installer has taken all of the aspects that could result in possible roof damage. Installing rooftop solar panels is an attractive investment that does not lead to damage to your roof if you work with a professional, seasoned installer.

For most homeowners, installing solar panels does not damage the roof as long as your solar installer is a licensed, trained professional and the top is in good shape. Once installed properly, there should not be any worries about solar panels because they should not permanently damage your roof if your roof is in good condition and does not have any existing damage. Solar panels do not harm your roof as long as you take time to think about your specific situation and get a professional to install the panels. If the solar panels are installed incorrectly, there could be roof damage, leading to problems down the road.

If roof-mounted solar panels are installed incorrectly by a non-licensed installer, or if your roof is not in proper condition to support solar panels, damages can occur, potentially nullifying your One Roof warranty. It is essential to work with a trusted solar panel installer to ensure installation is done correctly to avoid expensive damages, which can also void one’s roof warranty. If you have any repairs to make on your roof or soon will have to be replaced, it is best to have them done before installing the panels. Solar panels may last 20 to 25 years, so if your current roof is not going to be around for that long, consider getting a new one before installing solar so that you have a consistent timeframe for replacing both systems.

If your roof is close to its life span, you will want to install the new roof first so that the typical 10-to-20-year solar panels life does not have to be shortened because the roof is not protecting your home anymore. These installations typically will last about 30 to 35 years, so it is crucial that the panels installed will not damage the roof. A professional should do inspections of your roof to ensure that it can support the panels, and the proper safety precautions should be taken to prevent damage. While there are potential issues such as leaks in your roof and structural damage, solar companies and inspectors go through necessary precautions to ensure your roof is in good shape, to keep it from doing any damage, and for your solar panels and roof to last as long as possible.

Once you have installed a solar rooftop system, replacing or repairing the roof becomes even more difficult and expensive. If you are experiencing leaks with one of the wood-shingled roofs, you will want to reach out to your solar installer.

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